JetAdvice Success Story

Cards and more - Thermal MPS is a differentiator

For Cards and more, JetAdvice allows them to be even better at what they are already good at.


The Company

Cards and more was founded in March 2006 and is a specialist provider of auto-id, printing, labelling, and software solutions with a focus of providing full solutions.

Located in Örebro in Sweden, Cards and more provides its products, services, support and solutions for the whole Swedish market.

The Vision

Cards and more provides its' customers with full solutions as a value-add partner; ranging from pre-sales advice to implementation and education services with the important personal touch.

Tony Garvill, Managing Director at Cards and more, explains: “We consider supporting the full life cycle of our solutions for our customers absolutely critical. JetAdvice extends the value add services we can offer to our customers with for example optimisation, on-going monitoring and periodic reports. Proactively providing information and services to our customers before they even know they need it is the way we prefer to differentiate ourselves."


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The Advantage

“Cards and more is a knowledge partner for its customers" continues Tony. "Efficiency and business continuity are for our customers very important considering that our solutions are their most business critical primary processes. As a value add partner we feel it as an obligation to secure those critical processes. JetAdvice helps us by providing 24/7 information about the thermal printer environments of our customers - allowing us to be even better at what we are already good at.”


The Value

"Being a trusted advisor to our customers and always have the right information at hand to help our customers making the right decisions at the right time makes excellent sense. Todays customers are looking for a service, preferably maintained by a qualitative partner, and not for a product. Managing the full lifecycle of that service is where Cards and more differentiates itself from the competition. For our customers this is absolutely a no brainer."

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The Impact

“JetAdvice allows us to add even more value to our customers in terms of managing the full lifecycle of the solutions we offer for their challenges. For customers who don’t know us or only know us a little bit, we offer a vendor agnostic health check of their thermal printer environment; including our recommendations based on a professional report."

"Solid decisions are always based on reliable information."


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